
Spring 2024 Newsletter

Current and Wave Measurements for MOWI Canada East
ASL’s Dr. Matthew Asplin joins the Marine Renewables Canada Board of Directors
Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) Used to Monitor Diving Insects in Lake Malawi, East Africa
ASL Team Members Invited to Support UBC’s PRODIGY Program
ASL Developing Real-time Data Transfer Capabilities for Coastal Monitoring
ASL’s Latest Metocean Surface Buoy Solution
ASL Hires Matus Hodul for the Position of Remote Sensing Scientist
Career in Meteorology and Oceanography—Virtual Panel Discussion


Fall 2023 Newsletter

Film Crew from Manito Media Visits ASL
ASL Invited to Teach Hydroacoustics at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
ASL Completes Two-year Wave Current Study for Ksi Lisims LNG
Ocean Hack Week 2023
ASL Connects with International Product Representatives
ASL President Presents at International Hydroelectric Forum in Argentina/ Uruguay
ASL Highlights Its Services to Marine Renewable Energy
ASL Continues to Clean Up Local Beaches
ASL Held Its ‘Start of Summer’ BBQ
ASL Awards for Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair—This Year's Winners


Spring 2023 Newsletter

From Academia to Industry
ASL Conducts Field Trials of Split-Beam Sonar Prototype
Using WERA Ocean Radar for Surveillance Applications of Off-shore Infrastructure
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Installed at Beaucaire Hydropower Plant, France
Sofar Spotter Metocean Buoys for Real-time Oceanographic Data
ASL is Now a Regional Representative for ANB Sensors
Job Opening: Oceanographer
Job Opening: Oceanographic Technician
Equipment Leasing , New Equipment, Used Equipment Sale
ASL Celebrates Our Carol Stewart as United Way Outstanding Employee Campaign Chair 2022


Fall 2022 Newsletter

ASL’s David Fissel Named a Fellow of the Canadian and Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
ASL Has a Long History of Successful Oceanographic Consulting Projects
2022 Field Season Highlights: Labrador Coast
New Equipment Added to ASL’s Lease Pool
ASL Announces Dr. Philip Matthews as the 2022 AZFP Award Contest Winner
ASL Hires Mitchell Bonney for the Position of Remote Sensing Scientist
ASL Hires Dan Walters for the Position of Data Scientist
ASL Hires Devin Ireson for the Position of Software Developer and IT Specialist
ASL Hires Amanda Dash for the Position of Machine Learning and Computer Vision Specialist
A Note From Keath Borg ASL’s GoByBike Team Leader
Vancouver Island Students Receive Top Marks at the 2022 Canada-Wide Science Fair
ASL’s Dr. Matthew Asplin and David Fissel to be Guest Editors for a Special Journal Issue “Advances in Sea-Ice Remote Sensing Involving Upward Looking Sonar”


Spring 2022 Newsletter

ASL Introduces the AZFP6-ice, the Next Generation of Upward Looking Sonars for Ice-Infested Waters
Newly Awarded Challenge: Develop a Canadian Coastal Information System
AZFP6-ice Deployed Near Nain, Labrador to Examine Ice Characteristics and Biological Activity in a Dynamic Environment
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Mentioned in Recent American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code Document
ASL Hires Julek Chawarski for the Position of Biological Oceanographer
ASL–Silver Sponsors of Vancouver Island Science Fair
New Equipment Added to ASL’s Lease Pool

bubbler herring

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster Announces Real-time Bubble Diffuser Aeration Entrainment Monitor Project
North Atlantic Right Whale Predator–Prey Relationship Study Using an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Installation Replaces Over-Velocity Detection System at BC Hydro’s Wahleach Project
The Salish Sea Community Guardians Invites Community Collaboration to Enhance the Salish Seas Herring Spawning Recovery
ASL Collaborates with the University of Victoria to Develop Rapid Processing of Large Echogram Datasets
Field Work During Covid
ASL’s Fourth Annual Beach Cleanup at Mount Douglas Park ,Victoria, BC

Spring 2021 Newsletter

ASL Environmental Sciences and DASCO Equipment Enter Product and Service Partnership
Rush Mobilization of ADCP Mooring for Bute Inlet for Dr Gwyn Lintern of NRCan
The Use of Mooring -based Measurements for Marine Polar Ecosystem Research
EcoLight AZFP Buoy to Monitor Light and Under-ice Zooplankton
ASL Equipment Used to Monitor Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Lake
Rhonda Reidy Awarded NSERC Grant in Partnership with ASL to Measure Baleen Whale Prey in British Columbia
ASL Environmental Sciences Presents ClearSignal Antifoulant Coating by Severn Marine Technologies
ASL’s David Fissel Chosen for Board of New Marine Innovation Hub in Victoria
New Additions to Metocean Equipment Lease Pool
ASL’s Third Annual Beach Cleaning Event

Fall 2020 Newsletter

ASL Announces Dannielle Eager as the 2020 Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) Award Winner
Hydro-acoustic Studies of Eulachon Fish Distribution Related to Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project
Beaufort Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment
ASL Partners with the University of Victoria to Develop Smart Tools for Analyzing Ocean Acoustics Data
Oceanographic Data Collection for Labrador Marine Research and Monitoring 
Development of the Queen Charlotte Strait Ocean Model
ASL Employment Opportunity
New Equipment Purchases
ASL Carries Out Field Work Remotely 

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Machine Learning for Analyzing Data from ASL’s Echosounders
Airborne Hyperspectral Survey and Mineral Mapping in South Greenland
SeaCycler Interactive Deep Ocean Observatory Adds ASL’s Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler to Payload
ASL Environmental Sciences, Part of the Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES) Wins 2019 Excellence in Partnering Award
Update on Laura Hobbs and Roland Proud, AZFP Recovery
Lake Victoria, East Africa
ASL Opportunity-Masters Student Position: Fishery Acoustics Specialist
ASL Wins Standing Offer for DFO Floatation
Interesting Times
Coming Soon - ASL to Announce AZFP Award 

Fall 2019 Newsletter


ASL Announces Dr. Laura Hobbs and Dr. Roland Proud as the 2019 Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) Award Contest Winners
Dr. Gary Borstad Receives Val Shaw Memorial Award from the Canadian Remote Sensing Society
Rogue Wave Study at Tofino, BC
Dissolved Oxygen Loggers from ASL's Lease Pool Reveal Diurnal Dynamics of Eutrophic Lake
ASL Hires Dr. Matthew Asplin for the Position
of Metocean and Arctic Project Manager
ASL’s Lease Pool Expanded
James Bartlett New Point of Contact for ASL Sales and Third-Party Products
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Engineering Code Acceptance
ASL Provides Co-op Work Experience
ASL Riders Cross Finish Line Along with Thousands to Raise Funds for Cancer Research
Alexander Graham Joins ASL’s Remote Sensing Team
Conference Attendance

Spring 2019 Newsletter


MUD: The Next Generation in Acoustic Backscatter Measurements
Real-time Currents - Second Narrows
Mooring Design, System Integration
Sea Level Study Using GPS and Ice Profiling Sonar in Greenland
Detection of Subsurface oil
IPS To Measure Frazil Ice
Hydrodynamic Modelling
ASL Tours Marine Science (USF) Slocum Lab
Computer Vision-based Detection of Fish
Equipment Leasing

Fall 2018 Newsletter


AZFP Food Web Study of Keystone Arctic Marine Species
AZFP Used to Detect Fish and Plankton Movement Between Arctic Marine and Lagoon Environments
Equipment Leasing
ASL Announces Its 2018 AZFP Award Winner
New Application of AZFP to Examine the Onset of Hypoxia Using Cyanobacteria as a Marker
New ASL Personnel
International Conferences.

June 2018 Newsletter


Glider-Based Ecosystem Study in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea
Field Services and Custom Moorings
New Additions to ASL’s Metocean Equipment Lease Pool
Raft-mounted Multifrequency AZFP with Cellular Modem
NOAA to Use ASL's AZFP in Proposed Strategy to Examine Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Krill in Antarctic
Enter ASL's 2018 Early Career Scientist Contest to Win Using the Autonomous Scientific Echo Sounder for Three Months
Invited Talk on Water Colour Time Series in Biological Studies
ASL Annual Beach Clean-up at Coles Bay Regional Park
International Conferences

January 2018 Newsletter


Successful Recovery of Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study Mooring Data
ASL – The First 40 Years
An Oceanographic Study of the Nass River Estuary, BC, Canada
US Naval Research Laboratory Plans to Use an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP) to Conduct Ecosystem Research
Gary Borstad’s Invited Talk: History of “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Canada”
Ocean Networks Canada's WERA Radar Detected Tsunami-Like Event Sixty Kilometres Offshore
International Conferences

Summer 2017 Newsletter


Fraser River Delta Sediment Studies
Custom Oceanographic Moorings
Fine-scale Foraging Behaviour of Juvenile Pacific Salmon and North Pacific Humpback Whales in BC
Current Measurements of Fin Fish Aquaculture Sites
Drones for Earth Observation Applications
ASL Announces 2017 AZFP Award Winner
International Conferences
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) Moves Closer to Engineering Code Acceptance
ASFM Flow Measurements Conducted at Wells Dam

Winter 2017 Newsletter


ASL at the ArcticNet Annual Science Meeting, Dec. 2016
In Situ Anchor, Frazil and River Ice Cover Development
Ice and Physical Oceanographic Observations in the Chukchi Beaufort Seas 2008–2016
ASL's Ice Profilers Survive Collision with Ice Island and Continue Sampling for Two More Years

Fall 2016 Special Sediment Newsletter


Measuring Sediment Processes, from Lakes to Deepwater
Water Quality in Florida's Waterways
Fraser River Delta: Turbidity Flows
Numerical Modelling and Remote Sensing
Cooling Water Intake in the Gulf of Mexico
AZFP Sediment Detection in the Fraser River Delta
ASL Equipment Lease Pool for Sediment Measurements

Spring 2016 Newsletter


Ultra deep AZFP to Canary Islands Spain
AZFP Award Announcement
Multiple AZFP for Ocean Observatories Initiative
PhD candidate studies plankton near bowhead whales
ASL Ice Profilers to be used to study region Arctic ice

Spring 2015 Newsletter


Alaska LNG Terminal Ice Studies
Norwegian Polar Inst. Ice Analysis
Marine Services in Tanzania
Mackenzie River NWT Ice Studies
High Res 3D River Modeling BC
WERA HF Radar in St Lawrence Estuary
Remote Sensing as a Tool for Watershed Restoration in BC
Hazardous Sea Ice Characterization

Summer 2014 Newsletter


Metocean-Ice Programs
Ice Profilers™ to Finland
Marine Services in Tanzania
Assessment of Reclaimed Areas
AZFP™ to study Antarctic silverfish
Seven AZFP ™ to Ocean Observatories Initiative

Summer 2014 Newsletter


Nares Strait Ice Study
Cambridge Bay Underwater Observatory
Ocean Data Geoportal
AZFP for the Ocean Observatories Initiative

Spring 2014 Newsletter


Norwegian Coast Guard to the Rescue!
North BC Coast
Recent AZFP sales
Peace River Management

ASL Environmental Sciences #1-6703 Rajpur Place V8M 1Z5 Saanichton, BC

Phone: +1 250-656-0177
Email: [email protected]