Ports and Harbours

Ever increasing pressure to improve efficiency and achieve greater throughput means that ports and harbour authorities need all the help that they can get.

One way to improve performance is to improve port traffic levels and, in order to do this, accurate, real time information on water levels and currents is required.

ASL's extensive experience in oceanographic studies means we are ideally suited to provide products and services that respond to this need. A wide range of instruments utilizing user-friendly outputs together with flexibility in designing custom studies makes ASL your obvious choice when you are looking for solutions in this area.

Some examples of ports and harbour studies are listed below

Marine Terminals

Terminal design often requires a flow survey. Maximum flow speeds are important, as well as the flow direction which often affects the berth alignment. Often wave height and direction measurements are also required.

ASL Environmental Sciences #1-6703 Rajpur Place V8M 1Z5 Saanichton, BC

Phone: +1 250-656-0177
Email: [email protected]